Oh thank you TS Entertainment for releasing a not-your-typical but rather in-ya-face boy band!! XD Introducing B.A.P (Best Absolute Perfect)~
At first I wasn't fond of the song, but after a while of listening and realizing how talented they are, it's just stuck in my head for a while that I sometimes say "Warrior~ huh!" under my breath randomly lol. I mean really, this is the first rookie group that got me hooked for a long loooooonnngg time (and I still am :P).
I gotta say how proud I am that they are of 90's babies line. Although not one of them is the same age as me (which is a shame TT.TT), I'm glad that two of the members are older than me (by a year), whereas the others are freaking - and I mean FREAKING young! Below are the members' info~

Known as B.A.P's Inversion Rapper (whatever that means), Yongguk was previously in an underground group called Soul Connection (don't know if he's still in the group) and went by the name of Jepp Blackman. This explains why he's very experienced on stage even when he was featured in Secret's Song Ji Eun debut single "Going Crazy". At that time I wasn't head-over-heels yet but I was really impressed by his talent. Then came his solo debut single, "I Remember" featuring B2ST's Yoseob and was co-produced and written by Yongguk himself. A similar feeling with "Going Crazy" but still has its own character. And if that wasn't enough, he started a sub-unit group called Bang & Zelo together with *drumrolls* Zelo, the maknae of the group!
Real name is Choi Joon Hong, he got the name Zelo from the god of rivalry in Greek mythology. Born in 15th October 1996, he's the maknae (youngest) and rapper of the group and is known as B.A.P's 15-year-old Genius. If you listen to him rapping in "Warrior" (2nd verse) he can rap reeeaaalllly fast, and he's also really good in dancing. Also, he's the tallest member in the group with a height of 182 cm (and he's still growing... what the fish?!), and I guess he's well-known as the Giant Baby among the fans XD. He's very cool for his age and is probably the most famous one in the group (especially among noonas, meaning older female fans), which I'm not surprise because - like any other maknaes - he is uber cute. I mean look at his kitty eyes and cheeky smile, even without doing aegyo (which he's actually not good at lol) he's already cute as a pie! X3
As I said before he and Yongguk formed a sub-unit group Bang&Zelo and released a single "Never Give Up". The song was no doubt in contrast with "I Remember" and "Warrior" and was very happy uplifting song that just wants to tell everyone to never give up on their dreams.
Next one to appear in public is none other than Himchan~

Kim Him Chan, known as B.A.P's Instrument Ulzzang, was born in 19th April 1990 and is the sub-vocalist and rapper of the group. In case you don't recognize him in the video, he's the scary one rapping at 0:58 (no, really, he was known as "the scary one" among the fans XD). As I said before, he's an ulzzang (a person well-known for good looks and always take selcas...just Google it if you don't know what it means) and was in the BESTNINE along with Block B Jaehyo, MBLAQ Lee Joon, and CN Blue Yonghwa and Jonghyun. So yes, you could say he's the 'visual' of the group, but that doesn't mean he ain't got talent. He's very known back in his school for playing many traditional instruments and is now majoring in traditional arts in Korea National University of Arts.
He is currently the MC for MTV's "The Show". A lot of fans complained that Himchan has such a small part in every B.A.P's songs, but I guess the company has a reason to do that. I mean hey, he might become an actor or be in variety shows in the future. Only time will tell. Oh, and I also love him because of he's dorkiness and narrow-mindedness even though he's the second oldest in the group XD.
The next three didn't appear in public before the group's debut, but that doesn't make them less talented.

Moon Jong Up is B.A.P's sub-vocalist and main dancer and was born in 6th February 1995. Also known as B.A.P's Dancing Shindong (the last part I really have no idea what it means), he's also known for his muscular body (you probably can't see much from the pic above *sigh*). He's the one who, with Zelo, 'shot' each other's head at the beginning XD. Like Himchan, fans complained how small Jongup's parts were in their songs, but by looking at their performances, it seems as if he likes to express himself through dancing than singing. He's also quite expressionless in the interviews lol.
Again, not much can be found from him other than being cameos in Secret's MVs "Shy Boy" (with Yongguk and Himchan) and "Starlight Moonlight" (with Yongguk again) and also Bang&Zelo's "Never Give Up".
And last but not least is B.A.P's lead vocalist, Jung Dae Hyun. Born in 28th June 1993, he is well-known as B.A.P's Busan's Wonbin... I don't see the resemblance between him and Wonbin lol. He's also known as "the good-looking one" among the fans (he doesn't agree though as he thinks Himchan is more handsome). He was the last one to join the group, but a good thing too as he is considered as the 'hidden card' of the group.
Apparently the other members spent time together for over a year but they only get to know Daehyun only for seven or eight months. Hence, he's still a mystery to the other members (aka they still don't know him as much as they know each other). He's also known for his "no comment" slogan in their reality show, but he explained that he was actually worried that his Busan accent might get in the way, so it's easier for him to say "no comment" XD.
I wasn't planning to post about them actually but seeing how my friends are active lately in updating blogs, I figured I should too. And what better way to post about other than my current craze~ XD They're currently promoting their follow-up song "Secret Love" featuring Song Ji Eun herself, so if "Warrior" is not your taste, then I'd highly suggest you listen to the other one 'cause it's too cool and chic for words~ Here's the MV (mostly their backstage footage) and ciao! :D (*Warning* Too many cuteness in this video. If you guys don't like cuteness please shut your eyes or go open another tab/window and browse other stuffs while listening to it XD)