Friday, March 20, 2009

My future...I wonder...

At first, I was in a bit of dilemma, because I was confused like...should I take actuarial science? Maybe finance? Or accounting? Should I take diploma or pre-U? Wat da heck do I really want?! My parents n sis once said that at my level, I shouldn't take diploma. But what's wrong with diploma? Why do they say it's wasting my time, when I knew that I really do want to do those actuarial or quantitative science, which is only available in diplomas?? *sigh* I almost felt like I want to burst out, until my bro came back yesterday (out of the blue --_--|| he never calls that he'd be back or not).

He said, "Actuarial science in UiTM is the most distinguished. The products from that U and course would get 5 digits for their pay slips." Well, he already told me about it, since the sister of his friend took that course and got RM10000+ for her first job, which got me interested in the first place. Then my mom kept saying I should do accounting, but I thought, "Eli kan buat accounting. We don't need another accountant in the family!" Okay, lame excuse, and I know that accountants have also nice digits in their pay slips. But I do notice that all of my siblings...never study the same course. And none of them follow my parents. Heck, even my cousins mostly study different courses. So I don't want to follow any of their footsteps. I want to do what I want to do, Goddamnit! >_<|| So, again, thank God my bro was here yesterday. His explanations have really convinced my whole family, and my mom was like, "Ah, ok la. At least kat UiTM free education." =__=|| And my sis, "Ha, nanti Eza kerja dapat pay slip kasi la kakak sikit!" ==____==|||| Hehe, but at least they support me. But another dilemma...should I apply to go to Japan or not?... Coz I'm sure I'm not qualified to go to English-speaking countries. My first bro, who was the only one among my siblings to study overseas, said, "You don't need to choose based on the courses that you want. Just go there to get experience." Japan mainly has engineering courses but...I don't want to do engineering. Even my sis said I'm not engineering material type (watever dat is...but u get the point). And I don't want to go back to those science stuffs...unless if I have to. And even though I'm learning Japanese, the Kanji (Chinese characters) are tough like HELL! Even my teacher said there are around 3000@2000 kanjis to hafal for Japanese!!! @_@ And if that ain't enough, if I really do want to study science stuffs there, I have to learn the science terms in Japanese. @@___@@ *sigh* Well, all we can do is just wait right now. My parents kept asking me what my friends have chosen, but I was like, "I also don't know..." But I do know that TK wants to do TESL or nutrition, coz they don't involve maths much. And Fatin wants to do farmasi, since she likes chemistry stuffs. So...whatever courses that are given to us, let's just do our best!! XD


  1. Ah. There's the dilemma...but~ (your music thing just played out of nowhere - terkejut I... XD) just like you said, whatever it is, we must do our best!!

    Cayok everyone!!

    P/S: And yes -- kanji...OH SALSA! XD

  2. XDD Gomen! I already disable the auto-play, coz takut org terkejut n bengang.
