Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy birthday dear Okasan~~ X3

16th April. It was my mother's birthday. We celebrated at Victoria Station for dinner.. well, not much actually happened, but she did get a diamond ring from my sis (she looked at Papa and said, "Ha, Pa, tengok!" Meaning: "You have to buy me one also" XD)

Hm.. well the food was ok, but just dat.

On Tuesday, Mama, Eli and I went to Alamanda to watch Talentime. The story was simple, but very interesting. In this movie, Yasmin Ahmad focused more onto the racial problems between Indians and Malay, but it was really funny watching the Indians making jokes. But dang~~ The Indian protagonist was damn good-looking! Even Eli agrees!! Though, the female protagonist (the one from Amazing Race Asia, as well as younger sister of Vincent AF1) doesn't seem fit here, coz she seems...old. But what's funny was when Adibah Noor's character saw her, she said, "Betul ke dia ni Form 5? Nampak cam mak orang je..." XDD

Well, it was a good movie nonetheless. But my mom wasn't quite fond of it because the ending was hanging - it didn't even mention who won the Talentime, or what happened to Mahesh (it's actually his real name! lol) and Melur. Nonetheless, it was really another masterpiece of Yasmin Ahmad. And compared to the previous movies, it involves many musical backgrounds. The song 'O Re Piya (My love)' really caught my attention, that I even looked at the translation lyrics intentively.

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