Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The 31st!! You guess it!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
A day in two houses and IKEA
Other than that, we were quite shocked all of her daughters (my cousins) were at home. I mean, Kak Shareen (Kakak) I understand la, since she works from home. So they told us that Kak Shakeera (Adik) has an exam tomorrow (exclusively for bank workers...I don't know why), so she took a leaf to study; and Syamira (Baby, same age as me) had school holiday. At that time Adik and Baby were making macaroni & cheese (which were tasteless...they said so themselves, 'til Adik put a lot of white pepper into her bowl but still tasteless), so we actually stayed there for 2 hours, listening to our mothers talking + gossiping.
And Kakak and Aunt Bedah showed us a brilliant idea: put fruits like strawberries, oranges etc. into the freezer, and you just eat it like that after they're frozen. It's like eating ice-cream, but it's definitely much healthier. We actually ate the frozen strawberries until they were less than 1/4 than before. XD Other than that, Kakak said blending it with ice-cream will make a delicious smoothie... I think Eli would like that idea, VERY much.
We said our goodbyes and finally went to IKEA. So we just looked around and, as usual, we stopped at the cafeteria to have lunch. We were already targeting the meatballs, but it looks like they didn't have them. They sent those meatballs back because of their low quality... I really respect that, but I was so sad there were no meatballs. :'( So I just ordered the chicken leg and my mom the salmon.
After that, we looked around more and my mom was fond of the bowls that were made in Turkey (since there were so many dishes made in China, and we are now currently lacking in soup bowls). Then, we suddenly bumped into Aunt Maizanah and Uncle Aziz (we stayed at their home in Kelantan once). They invited us to their son's flat, where they're staying for a while, after we done our shopping.
At their home, we stayed yet another 2 hours, while I listen to the three of them talking + gossips (yet again XD). But I took notice of a cat, which is as huge as Garfield (mostly because of its fur, which is long), and I think that's its name actually lol. So most of the time I actually play with that cat. So BUSHY!! X3 And quite manja, I'd say.
We FINALLY went home after that. And guess what, I actually assemble the chair by myself... Ok, it wasn't that hard, but still!

Other than that, I bought 2 cherry-scented candles from IKEA. I remember there were flower-scented ones like lavender the last time I went there... Ah well. But I noticed there were other...weird scents, like cheesecake, black forest cake, and laundry =__=||| Where the heck did they get those ideas??
Oh by the way, I finally saw the freak's face in his friendster, and he's quite ugly if you ask me XDD
Sunday, March 29, 2009
F@#% yourself man XD
Lolli lolli~ Oh lolliPOP~~
Lolli lolli~ Oh lolliPOP~~
(Sandara's part aka the intro)
Conclusion: I think that he mistook me for a hoe. Well too bad, who told you to pick me, son of a b!&(#? (hey, he deserves that title ok, coz his mom did not influence him much) You know, why don't you just get yourself a girl who's dumber and a hoe so that you can just waste your precious time, precious money and precious energy on stupid sms-es and phone calls by just asking, "Tgh wat pe???" But, as Utada said,
"Girls, you know we got it BETTER than the boys." - Poppin' (strictly NC-17)
PS: Don't ask, both songs were suddenly in my head when I wrote the 1st para and conclusion respectively.
Yesterday, some stranger out of nowhere suddenly asked me to be his friend, n said that he found my number frm the cendekia magazine. I thought it was just one of those people who just likes to SMS, so I said ok no prob. He asked me if he was disturbing me. I was about to go to sleep at that time, but I told him it's ok. Then, he suddenly called me. He told me, "Takpe la. Tak nak ganggu." I was like...apsal tibe2??? Just say that through sms je la!! But watever.
So today, he suddenly sms-ed me, "Selamat pagi" ....Anyways, after that it started ok. We asked each other what the other one is doing and all. Then came Maghrib, and he suddenly sms, "Wei.. Mandi.. Dah Maghrib". I was like....ok, fine. Then suddenly, just now, he asked me he wants a coloured pic of mine! WTF??!!! He even said gambar cendekia tu x cukup, coz black & white =__=||
Enough is enough. I told him off...but he doesn't seem to get it....and asked me more abt my background --_--|| I'm just gonna ignore him for now...
Lolli~lolli~lollipop OH~ lolli pop pop~~ (CL's and GD's part X3)
lolli lolli lollipop oh~
Finally...the YG girl group has finally shown up!! Looks like Yang Hyun Suk decided to keep the members to 4 instead of 5. Well, who cares, coz they ROCK in this CF with Big Bang!! And here's the full version of the song:
From left to right (and from youngest to oldest): Gong Minji (supposedly the best dancer in the group), CL (Chaerim) the rapper, Park Sandara the one who sings the intro, and Park Bom the one who sings the chorus (no, they're not related, just happen to have the same family name). The group's official name is now changed to "21 (2NE1)", due to the same name with another artist, "21 (toanyone)". Well, we can't blame Yang Hyun Suk since he's a busy man
I can't wait for their official debut!!! X3
Friday, March 27, 2009
My power has risen!!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
New bun in the family!!
According to Abang Shahrul (the husband and my cousin), the baby didn't cry at all when she came out. She was just like (o_o) XD. But the baby's sho CUUUTTEE!! Though none of us get to hold her, probably coz we're scared since she's still small (i mean, if it's zahira, then it's a different story, coz she was big). Hehe...all that's left is Abang and abang Shahrizal... The American dudes!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Hating them just gives me headache --_--||
So I have decided that I will not and never will be an anti to any artist, even Britney Spears. Because then again, they're just humans. It's not like as if they caused the economic crisis nowadays, and they don't kill people. Ok, maybe the announce of them marrying and etc. made fans go suicidal, but that's the FANS' PROB, not THEIRS. Who the heck told them to kill themselves anyways?!?!
If I don't like the artist's image or song, I'll just ignore and say nothing. Take SNSD for example. A few years back people said they don't behave well like criticizing artists such as Tae Yang (his name means 'sun'), and Tiffany went all, "Tae Yang? What kind of name is that?" They probably want to make a joke out of it, but I guess they did it wrongly which made the V.I.Ps (Big Bang's fanclub) really angry. Nowadays though, they became much more popular because of "Gee" as well as Tae Yeon's solo activities. I think they're doing pretty well right now, despite the bashing of their anti-fans and their extreme fanboys (which are psychos).
And SuJu, I think the reason why people hate them were because they used to lip-synch (I think. If I'm wrong please correct me). Or perhaps it's because the number of members are just ridiculous (whoever stuffs 13 people into one group?!). But then again, we can't blame them. It's the company that decides the line-up and number of people in a group.
DBSK...I wonder why I hated them that time.. Probably it's because they used to lip-synch quite a lot, and me and sis actually thought all of them had plastic surgery (well, ok, maybe some of them DID have plastic surgery). But...that's it XD. Now they don't lipsynch anymore, and they're such a group of cute dorks.
So, my conclusion is... it's the COMPANY that should be blamed! Why the heck do they have to decide these groups' images?? Let them decide themselves! And why the heck do they always import foreign composers?!?! So not patriotic... And I hate how the founder pushes BoA through promotions...give her a break man! She's still young!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Edited Playlist
Asian Artists Debut in America (BoA & Utada)
Rain has done his debut in the movie Speed Racer, so this year he'll be the main character in Ninja Assassin. Mehehe...me and sis can't wait to see the movie. X3
So back to music news. BoA's self-titled english album is already out after Eat You Up single's success.
1. I Did It For Love feat. Sean Garrett
2. Energetic
3. Did Ya
4. Look Who's Talking
5. Eat You Up
6. Obsessed
7. Touched
8. Scream
9. Girls On Top
10. Dress Off
11. Hypnotic Dance Floor
My review: I'm quite surprised that there aren't any ballad songs in this album, especially since BoA has such a nice voice. Not even one, single R&B song is present...just plain upbeat songs that are similar to those songs you hear in english radios and typical like Britney Spears' songs (I'm not surprised, coz Look Who's Talking was written by her). So yeah, it's quite boring. And I don't like the english version of Girls On Top, just because. Tracks that I like though are Did Ya and Eat You Up, I'm telling you, this girl has more potential than what she has to offer.
Next one is Utada, who decided to try again in America's music scene after her failure with her Exodus album, which only sold around 55,000. Her new album is called
1. On and On
2. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - FYI
3. Apple and Cinnamon
4. Taking My Money Back
5. This One (Crying Like a Child)
6. Automatic Part II
7. Dirty Desire
8. Poppin'
9. Come Back To Me
10. Me Muero
My review: This is WAY better than Exodus. Probably because Utada feels tired in experimenting songs, and just want to do mainstream ones (she said so in an interview). And compared to Exodus, she wrote and composed all the songs with the help of others. She has mentioned that it'll be hard for her to express herself if she doesn't write and compose all the songs. When I listen to Come Back To Me, the lead single of this album, I just knew that she's gonna make it. Even music critics think the same as well (heck, Ne-Yo even praised her as the most talented person he ever worked with). My favourite tracks are the first five tracks and, of course, Come Back To Me. They sound similar to her older works, which I love and miss. What's funny are the tracks like Dirty Desire coz...well, the title says it all XD. But then again, you never know what's going on in her head. All I can say is, GO HIKKI!!!
All in all, these two ladies are very talented in their own ways. Don't you agree?
Friday, March 20, 2009
My future...I wonder...
He said, "Actuarial science in UiTM is the most distinguished. The products from that U and course would get 5 digits for their pay slips." Well, he already told me about it, since the sister of his friend took that course and got RM10000+ for her first job, which got me interested in the first place. Then my mom kept saying I should do accounting, but I thought, "Eli kan buat accounting. We don't need another accountant in the family!" Okay, lame excuse, and I know that accountants have also nice digits in their pay slips. But I do notice that all of my siblings...never study the same course. And none of them follow my parents. Heck, even my cousins mostly study different courses. So I don't want to follow any of their footsteps. I want to do what I want to do, Goddamnit! >_<|| So, again, thank God my bro was here yesterday. His explanations have really convinced my whole family, and my mom was like, "Ah, ok la. At least kat UiTM free education." =__=|| And my sis, "Ha, nanti Eza kerja dapat pay slip kasi la kakak sikit!" ==____==|||| Hehe, but at least they support me. But another dilemma...should I apply to go to Japan or not?... Coz I'm sure I'm not qualified to go to English-speaking countries. My first bro, who was the only one among my siblings to study overseas, said, "You don't need to choose based on the courses that you want. Just go there to get experience." Japan mainly has engineering courses but...I don't want to do engineering. Even my sis said I'm not engineering material type (watever dat is...but u get the point). And I don't want to go back to those science stuffs...unless if I have to. And even though I'm learning Japanese, the Kanji (Chinese characters) are tough like HELL! Even my teacher said there are around 3000@2000 kanjis to hafal for Japanese!!! @_@ And if that ain't enough, if I really do want to study science stuffs there, I have to learn the science terms in Japanese. @@___@@ *sigh* Well, all we can do is just wait right now. My parents kept asking me what my friends have chosen, but I was like, "I also don't know..." But I do know that TK wants to do TESL or nutrition, coz they don't involve maths much. And Fatin wants to do farmasi, since she likes chemistry stuffs. So...whatever courses that are given to us, let's just do our best!! XD
Friday, March 13, 2009
moi results~
BM: A2 (my mom is actually SHOCKED XD)
BI: A1 (even frm Cambridge I got A1..hehe XP)
MM: A1 (as expected...if I get lower than that I'd really pay RM50 to re-check the papers!)
PI: B3 (not qualified to get JPA scholarship overseas XD)
SJ: A2 (this one also shocked coz..I thought I was gonna fail this subject)
MT: A1 (meh..not really surprised, but my mom said it's an advantage for me since I really want to do a maths-related course)
KI: A2 (quite shocked, but well...the paper 3 was really a joke)
FZ: A1 (hm...quite happy la. Even Pn. Nurul Ain was shocked, coz she targeted me to get A2)
BIO: B3 (XDD not surprised, coz I don't really like this subject)
EST: B3 (...ok, this one I'm not quite satisfied. But..meh, it's not really important for my targeted courses)
So yeah, you can count on ur own ya XD.
After me and mom went home, Auntie Mas called and said congratz. She also told me that the subjects that I got B aren't that important coz "Bukannya nak jadi ustazah," she said. She has a point but...I didn't realize JPA and MARA needs at least an A2 in PI for overseas... Well, maybe it's just not my luck. I don't intend to go straight to overseas without preparations anyways.
So now, all we can do is just browse through the scholarships/universities/courses that suits us, and just bantai apply XD (unless you are already in kolej even before the SPM results were announced).
Saturday, March 7, 2009
VAMPROSE artists~~
VAMPROSE is an independant indie label of HYDE (from L'Arc~en~Ciel). There are only two groups that I've known so far that are under this label: VAMPS and MONORAL.
VAMPS consists of vocalist HYDE and guitarist K.A.Z (from Oblivion Dust). Most of their songs are sung in English (or should I say Engrish) for God knows why, but at least Hyde's pronunciation is better than most Japanese singers. Their latest single is 'Trouble'. Yes, that Power Rangers theme song...weird. XD
Even their MV couldn't get any weirder.
This duo consists of vocalist Anis and bassist Ali. Their songs probably sound a bit same like some American/British bands, but are considered quite unique in the J-rock society (since it ain't too cute, too happy or too dark). Although their lyrics might not make sense (hell, it's the same as the VAMPS) but I really enjoy listening to the vocals and the loud bass. Songs that I really like from them are "Tuesday" and "Kiri".
See? Both bands are completely opposites.
Interesting facts about this duo:
Anis is a Japanese-Moroccan who speaks Japanese, English, French and Arabic. He used to be a fashion model (gasp!) and support some famous musicians performing on TV as a guitarist. He was also often involved in TV CMs songs, singing backup for other famous musicians and narration for CMs.
Whereas Ali is a Japanese-American (so it's logic that his Japanese and English are fluent). He was a VJ for MTV Japan, where he met Anis. He's currently a part of TV show Self Liner Notes on MUSIC ON! TV. He's also a radio DJ.
(Credits to Wikipedia)
Personally I'd prefer MONORAL over VAMPS, just because. XD
PS: I miss L'Arc~en~Ciel :(
Sunday, March 1, 2009
My new handphone/walkman!
God, can it get any better than this! After two years of using the same phone, I finally have a new one! Yeah well, I was supposed to get a new one after getting straight As for SPM (which I think is quite impossible). But then, on the way she sent me to the driving school for my test, she said, "Ok, kalau pass, dapat handphone baru." So when I got the 'P', I told her, "Ma, u promised, right~~?" XD
So we went to Low Yat yesterday with my bro, the tech pro in the family. Even though the place has everything that are IT stuffs, we didn't quite like the place. It's filled with hundreds...thousands...maybe MILLIONS of humans! And it was really a waste of diesel (one of our cars use diesel) just to find one freaking parking spot, and we finally found one in Basement 4...imagine that...
But, it was worth it, since I have a new, sleek, original Sony Ericsson W580i handphone. Yes people, I'm talking about genuine, sony ericsson handphone (so I actually have warranty if something goes wrong with it). You might think it was freaking expensive..well, it wasn't that cheap, but it wasn't THAT expensive, considering that the model was released two years ago.
This model's available colours are Stylish White, Urban Grey, Metro Pink, Jungle Green, Velvet Red. But the only ones that the place we visit had were white and black, so I chose black. Here are the advantages this phone has, compared to my previous one:
1. The screen is bigger and brighter.
2. The battery is more long-lasting, since it contains lithium. I listened to the songs in the phone for almost a whole day, and the battery's still above 75% above.
3. It has memory card insert, so imagine how much gigabytes you can sumbat into this phone. And imagine how many songs you can listen to! (Mine's supposed to be 512MB, but my bro took it, replacing it with 2GB! :D)
4. Talking about songs, you can just flick/shake the phone (while pressing the walkman logo button) to listen to the next random song.
5. And talking about walkman logo button, you just press it once to go back to the player without going through the menu.
So ya, that's practically why I love this phone better. It's not that I didn't like the previous phone, but it's just that... it was only 28MB!! So imagine how many times I have to delete messages, photos and/or songs just for the new ones... Oh, and other than that, this phone actually counts your steps... As in, how far have you walked and all... so it's quite unique ya XD
I thought this phone wasn't that familiar with most people, but then Eli told me a lot of her friends also have this model... Ah well, just by putting k-pop and j-pop songs into my handphone already makes it unique! X3